District C-2 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Time to be determined. Venue will be the Lionel Bird Youth Camp in Cremona, Alberta
We Serve.
Time to be determined. Venue will be the Lionel Bird Youth Camp in Cremona, Alberta
Lions Village 2528 Bowness Road NW Calgary
Join us on October 18th and 19th for the 10th Annual District C-2 Convention! The Calgary Westwind Lions Club hosts this year's convention. Registration is now open! Click here to register. Early Bird Pricing is in effect till October 1, 2024. Registration deadline is October 15th, 2024. Please note that there are no potential refunds…
Join us on October 18th and 19th for the 10th Annual District C-2 Convention! The Calgary Westwind Lions Club hosts this year's convention. Registration is now open! Click here to register. Early Bird Pricing is in effect till October 1, 2024. Registration deadline is October 15th, 2024. Please note that there are no potential refunds…